About Us

Who We Are

The Gilders Workshop Ltd are gilders based in Robertstown, County Kildare, Ireland. We have 30 years professional gilding experience. Annette Reidy trained in the world renowned Arnold Wiggins & sons studio in London, working on projects which include gilding in Kensington Palace, National Gallery of London and The Tate Gallery.  An example of Annette’s  projects include: The making and restoration of the young Michelangelo exhibition, project member on the making and restoration of frames for Picasso’s Matisse, Francis Bacon etc.

Since returning to Ireland she has been restoring and gilding lots of projects for main dealers, interior designers, and private clients. Sandra Ennis has trained closely with Annette during the past 20 years and has been involved in restoration and architectural projects in Dublin. At The Gilders Workshop we treat each piece as an individual entity and pride ourselves on using only traditional methods, taking the conservationist and sympathetic approach to all our projects.